Believing on the promises of God means choosing to see the color in a dead season.

”We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” John 4:42

Not sure what’s dead in your life right now, but I am here to tell you that absolutely nothing is un-revivable. Trust me, I’ve thrown out plants, only to haunt me from the trash can until I’ve taken them back out and watered them… said nice things to the crunchy stems as I’ve picked off legit dead leaves… and put them in some sunshine.

What gets me every time, they come back to life! But why? It’s the roots. What comes up out of your dead season is what you have rooted into the ground.

”You look silly watering that dead thing... just stop,” is what they say.

Who is they? They don’t matter.

Not one to easily give up is a flaw and attractive trait at the same time. But know when to quit watering too. How to tell if a plant can come back? Wash all the dirts off the roots. Examine it at it’s stripped down core.

I’ve been stripped down. I have sat with you when you’ve been barren. We’re still breathing here today, friends.

“a time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted...”

“every plant which My Heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted...”

“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit...”

Listen... you are not expected to breathe life back into what’s dead! Even if you killed it! 

As far as I can see where I live in Georgia, there’s a lot of green things growing (marriage, kids, business as usual, faith, family). I bet if you look around in your life now, you’ll see the green growth too. 

Start watering there.

And when your girls literally watercolor brightness into your  Sabbath, where you’re pushing yourself to rest... you see it. That childlike Faith. That’s the beginning of believing that dead things can be brought back and those dead at the roots can be thrown out without guilt.

Love you, dearly. I’m taking a guess with you at what’s gone and what can be revived. Choosing to water it all in faith .