Prayer Notes


Prayer Notes

Always having your phone on hand, this is where things get simple. Instead of perusing Pinterest for a motivational quote, you’ll have a section in your Notes of prayers. Read something you have already written out and be inspired to start talking to the Lord. (READ MORE)


Saying Yes Won't Spoil the Kid


Saying Yes Won't Spoil the Kid

The combination of a rainy summer day, schedules leading to having just one kid at home instead of three, and the awareness that life should daily be given our best to the ones we love following the sudden death of a local Mom’s son had me saying, “Yes!” to my middle girl today. (READ MORE)





besides the fact that I’ve been up at night not being able to fall asleep due to worry, I wanted to play connect the dots on mindfulness vs busyness.

Is the reason you can’t sleep at night due to a checklist that doesn’t have all the boxes ticked? Or, is it because without being mindful, priorities have gone to the wayside. There are so many things pulling at our attention, literally if you still have toddlers at your toes pulling at your shirt. (READ MORE)


Mothers’ Sayings

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Mothers’ Sayings

Your words matter, Momma. As I’m taking a guess daily at life, evaluating whether or not I said or did what mattered in the three sets of eyes looking up at me, it’s the things that came out of my mouth that I knew shouldn’t have that make falling asleep in peace hard. (READ MORE)

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Thank You, Teachers


Thank You, Teachers

I was ready to purchase Lillie-Mae’s kindergarten curriculum and Dallas’ fourth grade books for another year of homeschool when I sensed the Lord leading in a different direction. For three years, home was where I birthed two babies and played teacher. Then, it all changed. (READ MORE)
